Best Insulated Storage for Epi pen and Insulin

"Smart Allergy Wearable

The LegBuddy now called by many "Smart Allergy Wearable" and "Body Wear" has given thousands of kids a tool to be inconspicuous about their food allergy conditions.

Is was the first and continues to be the only discreet carriers concealed holster that is not only discreet and comfortably to wear but made of high quality neoprene material that helps make it Fire retardant, water resistant and maintains the temperature of the medications.

Recent research by a Wilderness Medicine Team who were approach by the makers of Epipen to get imput from them on what happened to the auto injectors during one of there expeditions.

What they discovered was during long travels, especially in  Winter the cooling wallets, fist aid containers and kits they carried were not able to maintain the recommended temperature of the epinephrine auto injectors and other first aid medications.  What work best was that storing them next to "Human Body Heat" non went bad.

Published research findings indicate that because body heat has proven to be the best at  helping maintain the temperature of sensitive medications such as epinephrine and insulin,  carriers that are worn next to your skin  are the best solution.
